5/21/2024 — Please raise your voice for the Mariupol defenders

Today’s picture – almost every weekend, the activists hold rallies to remind about the captive POWs and demand their return. Uncredited photo from the rally.

From: Ira Kapitonova (Day 817)

‭May God be gracious to us and bless us
and make his face to shine upon us, Selah
that your way may be known on earth,
your saving power among all nations.
Psalm 67:1-2

Two years ago, having defended the steel plant for 86 days, Mariupol defenders left the Azovstal plant. They were surrounded, without ammunition or supplies, with lots of wounded, so the garrison was ordered to leave the plant and go into captivity to save the lives of personnel. There had been some preliminary agreements with Russia about the POW swap that never happened (surprised?). Now, more than 1,500 soldiers are still in Russia’s imprisonment, enduring brutal torture, inadequate detention conditions, and a lack of medicine, proper nutrition, and hygiene.

Please raise your voice for the Mariupol defenders.


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